
Is It Time to Break-Up with Your MSP?

We’ve been talking to a few business owners who aren't satisfied with their current IT Service, so we decided to make a list of the most common things they mentioned. We’ve also tried our best to relate them to rom-coms that we’ve all watched on Valentine’s Day. So here goes...

Our money is being spent putting out fires rather than preventing them from happening in the first place.

(From: The Wedding Singer)

Our Service Requests/Tickets are being constantly forgotten about.

(From: The Notebook)

Our own people end up stepping in to fix the problem and we just get it done ourselves.

(From: Home Improvement)

 Overspending on problems instead of finding a proactive solution to prevent them.

(From: Grease)

You shouldn't have to settle for an IT service that's stunting your business. If you feel as though you’re in the same boat, then maybe it’s time for you to cut the cord. The good news is, you’ve taken a step in the right direction by seeing what else is out there, and if you have that feeling of doubt deep down inside, then it's probably time for an IT Service Gut Check.

So, here’s what you should be getting with a proactive IT service:

  • An Actual Proactive Service. If your service is indeed proactive, it should be actionable - meaning that these main things: People, Process & Best Practices are always in motion. Here's a quick example: If the same issue occurs repetitively, then there aren’t really the right people, processes or practices for identifying the blind spots in your Technology. With a proactive approach, issues are identified the first time around, or before they even happen, and this gives you back more time for productivity.
  • Cyber-security. Cyber-criminals are hoping to get a backdoor entry into your systems, by getting into your providers systems. If their network is unsafe, and they don't take their own defenses seriously, then this can lead to a disastrous chain reaction of events that could shut your business down for good. In order to ensure your IT service is truly "proactive", then read our blog here - where we really dive deep into it.
  • Human connection. It goes without saying that a great point of contact such as a Business Advisor, VCIO or a Dedicated Client Success Manager goes a long way in the IT MSP world. Having someone in each of these roles helps to ensure that your business as well as your people are getting what they need, when they need it. The true purpose of having dedicated human resources managing as well as monitoring your technology (and not just having an Account Manager), is that you get the most value out of each of their professional perspectives which helps achieve your business goals you set out to achieve. The last thing that should be happening is reaching out to them only when you're having IT issues.
If you're seriously thinking about making a difference with your business technology, then send us an email at [email protected] call 905-763-7896 or to book an exploratory meeting with us here.